thank you julia kostreva for just a little encouragement & jacqueline foss

Hello World Wide Web! This is Rachel here! :) Isn't this a great combination? Super powerful text and empowering picture? Loves it. If you could all pray for me this week, I have some exciting opportunities ahead of me and I hope I have the chance to take them! YAAAY. We're into full-fledged fall here! I'm loving it as much as I can as I am bundled up in as much as I can wear at once.

I'm really excited to be gearing up for the PNW blogger meet-up! Is anyone else going? I'm super excited to meet lots of lovely people!

Anyways, I hope you had a lovely weekend and that you are not letting this Monday get you down. Here's to all of your dreams and more. Cheers! xo.
rachel!pairs1 Comment